
EUROLITE - KLS рациональное решение для мобильного профессионального освещения


Это современное, мобильное освещение. 1 стенд с KLS компании EUROLITE и дополнительным световыми эффектами — в 8-ми различных комбинациях. Устройство на любой вкус и спрос, посмотрите — оно того стоит …


That’s modern, mobile lighting. 1 stand with a KLS and an additional light effect – 8 times in different combinations. Something for every taste and demand, take a look – it’s worth it…


Enlarge the mobile light sets and make them more powerful, brighter and more diversified. To find the right set you should watch the respective video clips and read our basic thoughts on the Kombo Packs.


The sets are different such as your demands are. But what have been the important principles while composing the packs? On the one hand the sets differ considering their light power. This is due to to the different additional effects and due to the different KLS (150 to 1001) which feature different power levels. Prices are a good guide line – the more expensive, the more explosive the Kombos.


Another characteristic are the additional effects. The KLS take care of the basic light. Depending on the Kombo Pack, this basic light is enforced or mixed with varied light effects. The video clips will help distinguishing. There are three different ways of controlling the sets. Via sound, auto mode or DMX (the latter is not true for the Kombo Pack 7). Talking about DMX it’s a great advantage the KLS possess additional IEC sockets. Cabling and addressing are alleviated accordingly.


KLS Kombo Packs are best suited for mobile DJs, solo entertainers, combos, bands, party rooms, hotel discos or youth centers.

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